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Earth vs. Space Chess Match; Chamitoff Makes his Move

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Hochgeladen am 01.10.2008

It will be the Earth vs. space in a unique chess match, and you can help Earth win.

NASA and the U.S. Chess Federation (USCF) are teaming up to host the first public chess match between astronaut Greg Chamitoff, in orbit aboard the International Space Station, and the public. Key players in the game, set to begin on Monday, Sept. 29, will be the kindergarten through third grade U.S. Chess Championship Team and its chess club teammates from Stevenson Elementary School in Bellevue, Wash.

The K-3 champions will select up to four possible moves each time it is Earth's turn, and then the public will vote on which move will be made. NASA will transmit the winning move to Chamitoff, who will respond. The USCF will facilitate the match on its web site at:

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