Archiwum kategorii ‘Polskie sukcesy’


Kontynuacja odcinka 2

Gość napisał: Wspaniała gra Jana Krzysztofa Dudy.

Partie i wyniki na ChessBomb: link.

Stan po 6 rundach

1. Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 4.5 – (9.75)
2-3. Anand, Viswanathan 4 – (10.75)
Duda, Jan-Krzysztof 4 – (10.5)
4. Grischuk, Alexander 3.5 -(10)
5-7. Caruana, Fabiano 3 -(9.75)
Nepomniachtchi, Ian 3 -(8.75)
Nakamura, Hikaru 3 -(8)
8. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar 2.5 -(5.75)
9. Dubov, Daniil 1.5 -(3.5)
10. Giri, Anish 1 -(2.25)

Fotografie Gościa


Mistrz międzynarodowy Krzysztof Pańczyk – znany zawodnik, trener i autor – zaliczył udany występ na turnieju w Budapeszcie.


In July 2019, there were 4 separate groups on the monthly First Saturday Budapest chess tournament.

Two of the candidates has achieved an excellent performance by reaching the necessary 7 points for a GM norm. For 15 years old IM Bjerre Jonas Buhl (DEN) it was the second GM norm of his career, and probably he will achieve the third one as well soon.
IM Kantor Gergely (HUN) only needed his third and last norm, so he can start celebrating his GM title soon, and maybe he can reach the Hungarian national team as well.
The tournament’s regular GM participants, GM Aczel Gergely (HUN) and GM Ilincic Zlatko (SRB) showed a good example to the aspirants and finished with 6 and 5 points respectively. Young FM Assaubayeva Bibisara (KAZ) forgot her last month performance and made a solid 4 points in a relatively strong group.

First Saturday GM Budapest 6-16th July 2019 Final Standings

Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1  n w-we K rtg+/-
1 1 IM Bjerre Jonas Buhl DEN 2503 7,0 30,50 9 1,28 10 12,8
2 7 IM Kantor Gergely HUN 2519 7,0 27,25 9 1,08 10 10,8
3 8 GM Aczel Gergely HUN 2540 6,0 22,25 9 -0,18 10 -1,8
4 2 GM Ilincic Zlatko SRB 2406 5,0 20,00 9 0,55 10 5,5
5 10 FM Travadon Loic FRA 2403 4,0 13,50 9 -0,39 10 -3,9
6 5 FM Assaubayeva Bibisara KAZ 2375 4,0 13,00 9 -0,03 10 -0,3
7 4 IM Kumsiashvili Nikoloz GEO 2409 3,5 16,00 9 -0,97 10 -9,7
8 6 GM Fogarasi Tibor HUN 2372 3,5 11,50 9 -0,48 10 -4,8
9 3 Shome Shiv IND 2298 3,0 13,25 9 -0,03 40 -1,2
10 9 Damjanovic Vuk SRB 2283 2,0 9,25 9 -0,83 40 -33,2

In the International Master group FM Polschikov Alexey (RUS) not only reached the necessary 7 points for the norm, but even got above it by half point. He has a nice fighter spirit, only one of his games ended as a draw.
IM Vegh Endre (HUN) and IM Panczyk Krzysztof (POL) finished 2nd and 3rd place, making it hard for the aspirants to reach their goals. The group was very well balanced as 4 players finished with 5 points. The youngest participant in this group, FM Ongut Tamas Gunes (HUN) couldn’t get near an IM norm, but proved his fighting spirit by usually finishing his games last in the hall after more than 5 hours of playtime.

First Saturday IM Budapest 6-16th July 2019 Final Standings

Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1  n w-we K rtg+/-
1 5 FM Polschikov Alexey RUS 2375 7,5 31,50 9 1,82 10 18,2
2 3 IM Vegh Endre HUN 2220 5,5 22,75 9 1,88 10 18,8
3 1 IM Panczyk Krzysztof POL 2347 5,0 20,00 9 -0,32 10 -3,2
4 8 Breneis Lukas AUT 2177 5,0 19,25 9 1,92 20 38,4
5 6 FM Mostbauer Florian AUT 2343 5,0 18,75 9 -0,27 20 -5,4
6 4 FM Kozusek Daniel CZE 2339 5,0 18,50 9 -0,20 20 -4,0
7 7 IM Farkas Tibor SRB 2314 3,5 18,75 9 -1,37 10 -13,7
8 10 FM Mester Gyula HUN 2368 3,5 12,00 9 -2,09 10 -20,9
9 9 FM Ongut Tamas Gunes HUN 2158 3,0 10,00 9 0,19 40 7,6
10 2 FM Lyell Mark ENG 2216 2,0 9,50 9 -1,56 20 -31,2

The FM section of the tournament was consisted of 6 2nd and 3rd class players, they played a double RR tournament. The former unrated Berenyi Lajos (HUN) dominated the group with a convincing 8,5 points out of 10 games.
Young Austrian Hofstadler Mario finished 2nd with an also nice 6,5 points, gaining 53 rating points in the process.

First Saturday FM Budapest 6-16th July 2019 Final Standings

Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1   TB2  n w-we K rtg+/-
1 6 Berenyi Lajos HUN 0 8,5 36,50 0,0 10
2 1 Hofstadler Mario AUT 1718 6,5 23,75 0,0 8 1,32 40 52,8
3 5 Zsatkovics Endre HUN 1726 4,5 23,50 0,0 8 -1,78 20 -35,6
4 3 Szurkos Andras HUN 1637 4,0 17,25 0,0 8 -0,64 20 -12,8
5 4 Szoukup Istvan HUN 1495 3,5 15,25 0,0 8 1,20 20 24,0
6 2 Liptak Istvan HUN 1560 3,0 11,75 0,0 8 -0,10 20 -2,0

In the scheveningen system group, the usual scenario took place. The stronger row won more games, but the weaker players (at least 3 of the 5) achieved a massive rating boost. FM Farago Sandor (HUN) was the most successful in this section by gaining 8 points out of 10 games. The rating indifferences were clearly shown by his ‘massive’ 1 rating gain in the end.
In the weaker group Kepplinger Lukas (AUT) had the best performance with 6 points (and gained 51 rating), while two young players: Ananya Rishi Gupta (IND) and Bilku Andras (HUN) earned above 80 rating points in the tournament.

First Saturday Nadassy group Budapest 6-16th July 2019 Final Standings

Higher row

Name Rtg FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts. Games w-we K rtg+/-
Nagy Aron 2116 HUN ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 4,5 10 -1,70 20 -34,0
IM Szalanczi Emil 2126 HUN 0 ½ 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3,5 10 -3,50 10 -35,0
IM Farago Sandor 2210 HUN 1 1 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 1 1 1 8,0 10 0,08 10 0,8
Torok Tamas Titusz 2008 HUN 0 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 0 1 0 5,0 10 -0,50 20 -10,0
FM Mayer Istvan 1930 HUN 1 ½ 1 0 1 1 ½ 0 0 1 6,0 10 1,56 20 31,2

Lower row

Name Rtg FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts. Games w-we K rtg+/-
Bilku Andras 1901 HUN ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 0 0 5,0 10 2,20 40 88,0
Ananya Rishi Gupta 1951 IND 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 0 0 5,5 10 2,14 40 85,6
Kepplinger Lukas 1961 AUT 0 ½ 1 1 0 ½ 1 0 1 1 6,0 10 2,54 20 50,8
Chan Yi Meng Ryan 2082 MAS 1 0 1 ½ 0 ½ 0 1 ½ 0 4,5 10 -0,54 40 -21,6
Ilyes Peter 1969 NOR 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 + 2,0 10 -2,28 20 -45,6







to tytuł artykułu czołowego historyka polskich szachów Tomasza Lissowskiego i jednocześnie przewodniczącego Komisji Historycznej PZSzach, na stronie Polskiego Związku Szachowego: link.

Przypominam, że w 2004 roku ukazała się książka o tym sukcesie (2 wydanie w 2008 roku) wydawnictwa INTEGRACJA, Gorzów Wlkp.


Kontynuacja odcinka 2

Following the fascinating tie-breakers on Sunday, the FIDE Grand Prix organized by World Chess proceeds to the second round. The symbolic first move to open the playing day was made by Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Minister of Economy of Latvia from 2014 till 2016 and Minister of Finance from 2016 until 2019. Well-known in the chess world as a Woman Grand Master and long-time leader of her national team, Mrs. Reizniece-Ozola played 1.Nf3 in the match Duda – Mamedyarov, as instructed by the Polish champion. This game took on a closed character when pawns started blocking each other on the queenside and in the centre. Thanks to his space advantage in these areas, Jan-Krzysztof Duda reached a pleasant position, but Shakhriyar Mamedyarov played the timely 17…f4 to make sure that he would always have chances for counter-play. Both players agreed afterwards that white’s advantage was probably less serious than what the computer usually suggests in this type of positions. In any case, Duda did not see a plan to improve his position and offered a draw on move 34.

Źródło: Text by Press Officer Yannick Pelletier; Photo courtesy: World Chess

Runda 2, partia 1:

Karjakin – So ½ – ½

Duda – Mamedyarov ½ – ½

Grischuk – Yu Yangyi ½ – ½

Topalov – Vachier-Lagrave 0-1



Kontynuacja odcinka 1

The young Jan-Krzysztof Duda managed to knock out Petr Svidler. The Russian praised his opponent in the post-match interview, saying that he had fully deserved victory on this day. “I thought that my chances were favourable in the first game, but Jan-Krzysztof understood the position much better. I even had to be careful”. After this draw, Duda took the initiative early on in the second rapid game and broke his opponent’s resistance in the endgame.

Peter Svidler – Jan-Krzysztof Duda: klasyczne partie ½:½, ½:½ i baraż ½:½, 0:1

Źródło: Text by Press Officer Yannick Pelletier; Photo courtesy: World Chess

Runda 2 


Karjakin – So 


Duda – Mamedyarov 


Grischuk – Yu Yangyi


Topalov – Vachier-Lagrave 


W dniach 4-13 lipca w Benasque (Hiszpania) odbył się tradycyjny turniej otwarty z udziałem Polaków.


Partie i wyniki na ChessBomb


Igor Janik (zdjęcie ze strony organizatora)

Informację nadesłał Nagy Laszlo:

1. We have finished the 1-11 June First Saturday – 1st LENGYEL Béla memorial.

The published our info (thanks to Mr David Lllada):

Attached I send the report of FA Gyömber, our main arbiter, pls read, circulate and publish. 

Our website also gives info and pictures:

2. IM Jovanovic, Dusan /SRB/ made a 10 combinations and 3 game analysis of the tournament:

3. For the 6-16 July FIRST SATURDAY GM tmt we have a vacancy for a GM and a GM candidate player +2450, 

who is interested to play now? Contact: IO Nagy,

4. For the ARANYTÍZ GM tournament. Budapest, 16-25 August we miss 2 GM candidates +2450, 

for the IM-section an IM +2250. Contact: IO Nagy Laszlo, whatsapp: +36-30-230-1914


W dniach 2-10.03.2019 w Saint Louis odbyły się dwa zamknięte turnieje w ramach Chess Spring Classic.

W turnieju B arcymistrz  grał Aleksander Miśta, który zajął znakomite II miejsce.

Dokładne wyniki: link.

Strona turnieju: link. 

Partie na ChessBomb: link.


Kontynuacja odcinka

(zdjęcie ze strony PZSzach)

Wielki sukces odniósł Jan Krzysztof Duda, który w mistrzostwach świata w konkurencji szachów błyskawicznych zajął drugie miejsce!

Serdeczne gratulacje!



Strona mistrzostw

Wyniki kobiet na stronie turnieju: link.


W dniach 13-21 grudnia 2018 w Szardży (ZEA) odbyła się 9 edycja Międzynarodowego Pucharu Kobiet.

Polskę reprezentowały: Monika Soćko (KSz GKS Hetman Katowice), Karina Szczepkowska (KSz Stilon Gorzów Wlkp.) oraz Oliwia Kiołbasa (MUKS Stoczek 45 Białystok).

(fotografia David Llada)

Bardzo dobrze spisała się Karina Szczepkowska, która ostatecznie uplasowała się na 2 miejscu.

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