

In September 2018, there were 3 groups again on the monthly First Saturday Budapest chess tournament.

The GM group was renamed after the Hungarian physicist chessplayer Dr Rózsa, Károly, (1939-2017). He played many games with the donor, his friend, Dr Norman Saba (USA).

Dr Rózsa Károly

In the GM group it’s a very rare sight when someone can reach the 7 points required for a GM norm. In this month, Tran Tuan Minh (VIE) could take this very hard step – the only problem with this is that he is already a grandmaster, so his outstanding performance didn’t earn him a norm. Still, winning 5 games out of 9 unbeaten is rare, even from a GM.

IGM Tran Tuan Minh (VIE)

The only norm in this month was achieved by FM Tomczak, Mikolaj (POL). He could win 2 games and remained unbeaten as well – maybe the only downside for him was that he arrived to reach his 3rd GM norm, but he had to be content with his first IM one. Nevertheless, it was a job well done.

IM Mulyar, Michael (USA) finished as 3rd with 5,5 points as well, although one of them was a forfeit victory against IM Chakravarthi Reddy, M (IND), who suffered from some food poisoning and unfortunately was forced to withdrawn from the tournament.


First Saturday – 1st Rózsa Károly memorial GM Budapest 1-11h September 2018 Final Standings

Rk. Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1 n w-we K rtg+/-
1 GM Tran Tuan Minh VIE 2491 7,0 27,75 9 1,45 10 14,5
2 FM Tomczak Mikolaj POL 2427 5,5 23,00 9 0,83 10 8,3
3 IM Mulyar Michael USA 2374 5,5 22,00 8 0,98 10 9,8
4 IM Kantor Gergely HUN 2501 5,0 21,00 9 -0,67 10 -6,7
5 GM Farago Ivan HUN 2362 4,5 18,50 8 0,15 10 1,5
6 IM Tran Minh Thang VIE 2337 4,5 18,00 8 0,43 10 4,3
7 GM Belkhodja Slim TUN 2413 4,5 17,00 8 -0,48 10 -4,8
8 IM Kozak Adam HUN 2456 4,0 17,00 9 -1,07 10 -10,7
9 CM Nguyen Van Thanh VIE 2366 3,0 12,25 9 -0,85 20 -17,0
10 IM Chakravarthi Reddy M IND 2415 1,5 6,00 5 -0,77 10 -7,7

The same applies to the victor of the IM section as it did for the GM’s winner – IM Ratkovic, Milovan (SRB) is already an IM, so his 5 victories unbeaten didn’t get him an IM norm in only because he already has that title. He deserves the same compliments as his GM counterpart.


FM Lyell, Mark (ENG) is a regular contestant in the IM groups. September was nearly his month – he got 6 points, and though he couldn’t achieve his final IM norm, his rating reached 2300 again thanks to his great performance here.

Balint, Vilmos (HUN) started the tournament very well, it looked like he could achieve the norm, but after 2 unexpected results, he lost the chance to it and his fighting mood as well.

The group had 2 female participants as well, both of their boards attracted the attention of many spectators. WIM Luong Phuong Hanh (VIE) had a good tournament and she could raise her rating with a considerable amount. For Yu Moqi (CHN) the group was a bit strong now, but she could gain experience playing against much stronger opponents.

WIM LUONG, Phuong Hanh (VIE)

YU, Moqi (CHN)

First Saturday IM Budapest 1-11h September 2018 Final Standings

Rk. Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1 n w-we K rtg+/-
1 IM Ratkovic Milovan SRB 2403 7,0 28,00 9 0,83 10 8,3
2 FM Lyell Mark ENG 2276 6,0 24,75 9 1,47 20 29,4
3 Balint Vilmos HUN 2269 5,5 23,25 9 1,07 20 21,4
4 IM To Nhat Minh HUN 2352 5,0 20,25 9 -0,52 10 -5,2
5 WIM Luong Phuong Hanh VIE 2152 5,0 18,50 9 2,08 20 41,6
6 IM Czerwonski Aleksander POL 2379 4,5 17,25 9 -1,38 10 -13,8
7 CM Prraneeth Vuppala IND 2281 4,5 15,00 9 -0,09 40 -3,6
8 FM Gombocz Ferenc Jr. HUN 2295 3,5 14,50 9 -1,28 20 -25,6
9 IM Kahn Evarth Dr. HUN 2231 2,5 11,75 9 -1,44 10 -14,4
10 Yu Moqi CHN 2093 1,5 5,25 9 -0,74 20 -14,8

The scheveningen system group named after Attila Nadassy (HUN) was a complete disaster for the ‘stronger’ players this month, and at the same time, it was a shining success story for the lower rated players.

The most successful player was a smiling little girl, 12 years old Vishwa Vasnawala (IND). Her brave style often surprised her opponents, and although the average rating of her opponents was more than 400 above hers, she made 50%, and gained 163 rating after the end of her last game. Her performance showed again that the low rating of eastern players often doesn’t reflect their true strength of play.

WCM Vasnawala. Vishwa (IND)

11 years old Chubakov, Sultan (KGZ) is a returning player of the tournament. He’s constantly improving, and in September, he could reach 4,5/9 against opponents with an average rating more than 500 rating above his own.

12 years old Pasti, Aron (HUN) was the far strongest player in the lower rated group, he could almost participate in the stronger row. Still, he performed very well, 5,5 points out of 10 netted him 86 rating points. : If I counted well, he consumed 6 pens in the process.


First Saturday Nadassy system Budapest 1-11h September 2018 Final Standings

Stronger group

Name Rtg FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts. n w-we K rtg+/-
IM Szalanczi Emil 2194 HUN 1 ½ 1 1 0 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 7,5 10 -1,40 10 -14,0
FM Mayer Istvan 2006 HUN ½ ½ 0 1 0 ½ 0 0 1 3,5 9 -3,64 20 -72,8
FM Harmatosi Jozsef 2106 HUN ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 + 7,5 9 -1,27 20 -25,4
Schenkerik Csaba 2049 HUN 1 1 1 ½ 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 4,5 10 -3,86 20 -77,2
Darazs Zoltan 2168 HUN ½ 0 ½ 0 1 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 4,5 10 -4,36 20 -87,2

Lower rated group

Name Rtg FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts. n w-we K rtg+/-
Dr Hitesh Vasanwala 1704 IND 0 1 0 0 1 0 ½ ½ 0 0 3,0 10 2,00 20 40,0
Lakat Gyula 1725 HUN ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 4,5 9 3,51 20 70,2
WCM Vishwa Vasnawala 1677 IND ½ ½ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 5,0 10 4,08 40 163,2
Chubakov Sultan 1595 KGZ 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 + 0 ½ 4,5 9 2,78 40 111,2
CM Pasti Aron 1979 HUN ½ 0 ½ 0 1 1 1 0 1 ½ 5,5 10 2,16 40 86,4

Written by FA Gyömbér, Tamás

Next First Saturday events in Budapest: 6-16 Oct, 3-13 Nov, 1-11 Dec, 2-12 Febr, 2-12 March, 30th March-8th April, etc.

The Budapest Spring Festival Open expected to be: 9-17 April 2019 in Budapest.

Info: IO Nagy, Laszlo



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